Friday, December 16, 2011

Sweet Home Sweet Home

We made it.  We are home.  We arrived right on schedule yesterday at 3pm.  It was pretty much the longest day in the history of long days!  But I don't think it could have gone much smoother.  Our day started pretty early, we had to make the the 7:20 shuttle to the airport.  Apparently, our terminal in the Hong Kong airport is the second largest in the world.  It was pretty big.  But we got all checked in ok and had plenty of time before our 10:45 flight.  And thus began the long journey home.  The first 2 hours went so well.  Nolan apparently loved the little headphones that they hand out, and played with those for about an hour.  But approaching 1pm, we could tell he was getting tired, it had already been a pretty long day for him.  So we gave him a bottle and tried to lull him to sleep.  This is when the trouble started.  He fights sleep, and not sleeping in a bed makes it pretty much impossible for him.  So he cried and screamed for about an hour.  Then finally he did indeed fall asleep.  God really did have mercy on us.  Although he only slept that one time (for about 2 hours), he woke up happy and didn't cry for the rest of the flight.  It was a full time job keeping him happy, and our seat row was an absolute mess, but we made it.  Then, we had a really tight connection in Detroit, with so much to do.  We had to go through immigration twice, once for us and once for Nolan, pick up our bags, go through customs, recheck bags, and go through security.  At one point Jason said he was pretty sure we weren't going to make it.  I was literally praying through every line we had to wait in.  But sweaty and tired, we ran to the gate with about 5 minutes to spare before boarding our flight to Indy.  And by that point, Nolan had had enough.  He did great until we took off, then he started to doze off to sleep but began fighting it and cried the whole way home.  But the hour long flight seemed like the snap of a finger compared to what we'd just endured, so we just shrugged and smiled and waited for the descent.
The kids were waiting for us with their grandma in the baggage claim.  I saw the backs of them sitting on a bench, and I couldn't run down the escalator fast enough.  I couldn't hold it together finally seeing them!  I kept saying I didn't realize how much I missed them until I saw them.  They looked so big!  And old!  I missed them so, so much.  Anyways, they had their little welcome home bags ready for Nolan, which really broke the ice and we sat there in the baggage claim getting to know one another a bit.  They enjoyed making him smile and passing little cars back and forth.  Once we left, we were wondering how he'd do in the car seat, but he was lights out before we left the parking garage.  It was nice to catch up with the kids while Nolan slept.
Nolan is adjusting.  He was up at 3am today, due to jet-lag.  We are hoping he can be on a normal schedule by Christmas.  We really feel like his temper and attitude are dictated so much by sleep...I mean, what kid's isn't?  But his anger can blow up pretty quickly.  This has been tough for the kids too who just want to help him and make him smile, and don't understand why he's angry and doesn't want their help.  But in his defense, they don't give him much space  :)  To them, he is the funnest, funniest, cutest little guy.  When he is well rested, he runs around with them smiling and laughing and having a great time.  It has been fun to watch them play.  And the girls especially are loving having a baby in the house.  Julian is still waiting for him to be a wild, crazy, wrestling brother.  I assured him, he will in time  :)  It will take some time for us all to adjust and figure out new family life together.
Thank you all once again for your thoughts and prayers during our journey to Nolan.  I guess the journey is just beginning!

Visiting Hong Kong Disney Land 

Daddy and Nolan riding RC

How cute is this guy?  Unfortunately he didn't like it and only posed for a split second  :)

The teeny-tiny castle 

Running to Mama

Our plane home

Ready to go!

Our first meeting

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